As we're getting ready to move to Oregon (by the way, we're moving to Oregon!), I thought it would be fun to do the same Before and After series that I did for our Pullman home.
When we moved in, everything was brown, dead, and dry. There were very few flowers, and a lot more fruit trees. Our outbuildings have changed quite a bit. Are you ready? Here we go!
Front of House
Not a huge difference, except the lawn and the little maple tree are both alive and green.
For those with very sharp eyes, you may notice that the swamp cooler is also no longer on the roof--we switched to central air!
Front Flowerbeds
Admittedly, this bed is chock full of bindweed.
I should have taken a picture after the last time we weeded it!
It has a couple of rose bushes, a peony, some irises, and lots of spring bulbs.
I do enjoy this front corner bed. It's got all kinds of things in it these days: sedum, daylilies, asters, roses, peonies, irises, scabiosa. It makes me happy all summer long.
We also added these front flowerbeds all the way down the fence on either side.
I still feel like I was just getting started with those, but what's in there is pretty.
Front Shade Beds
A little more greenery in there.
I meant to put matching hydrangeas on each side, but ended up only getting the left side planted with those. I also added lady's mantle, feverfew, heuchera, and hostas.
Back Yard

Garden spot, orchard, and the woodshed there on the right.
Woodshed, fire pit, garden shed
Looking back towards the house.
Far back corner
Garden with greenhouse
A much more sparse orchard, unfortunately.
Chicken Palace in the background.
Our fruit trees have died off like crazy!
Our new fire pit area, and the shed we put in.
Woodshed and garden tool storage add-ons to the shed.
The inside essentially became my husband's workshop.
Garden area, from the back deck.

Looking back at the house. New deck.

Toward the far corner.
Back Flowerbeds
This bed doesn't look all that different than before, but the surroundings are much nicer! :)
We did finally get this corner flowerbed put in.
This is another flowerbed full of good stuff, and also full of bindweed.
It has been a losing fight on my end with the bindweed here.
This bed also holds 5 peonies, coreopsis, yarrow, daisies, a couple of sickly rosebushes, and several spring bulbs.
Oval Flowerbed
Well, this is not the glamour shot by any means!
Also, I had this bed completely weeded a month ago and now it's full of grass and bindweed again.
So from 6 lonely rose bushes, it now has a pie cherry tree, several roses, a peony, lots of spring bulbs, 2 ninebark bushes, bachelor's buttons, asters, phlox, and coreopsis.
Here was this bed back in May:
A little better representation of the goodness!
I am proud of what we accomplished in the 3 years we've been here.
Now we're headed off to a rental home, with a tiny little yard, and no landscaping duties at all.
I wonder what we're going to do with our time?