January 9, 2016

Reading Goals for 2016

Welcome to a bright new year!

I'm rather new to the idea of reading goals, but Amy over at Sunlit Pages inspired me to try them out. Last year I had 2 informal goals: read 1 classic per month, and review every book I read on Goodreads. I did okay on the classics, coming in with 9/12. Some months I read more than one, and the huge, beastly The Count of Monte Cristo, took me a couple of months to read. I will admit to counting a classic in a genre, (Travels in Alaska, by John Muir), as one of the 9. No guilt, friends. No guilt.

As for reviewing every book I read, I did it! (See my disclaimer below about picture books.) I even reviewed nearly all the chapter books I read aloud to my kids.
Here’s what I’m looking forward to in 2016:

1.   Finish the last 3 classics from last year’s goal.

Hey, I’m all about the long-range view. If I didn’t get it done last year, I’ll get ‘er done this year. I’ve had The Hunchback of Notre Dame on my list for quite some time now, so that’s going to be one of the 3. I haven’t definitively chosen the other 2 yet, though I have some leanings toward Moby Dick (another gigantic tome!) and possibly Leaves of Grass, or Don Quixote. It’s probably a good thing that I’ve only got 3 to do this time—all the ones I’m interested in are heavy hitters!

2.   Read 1 biography or memoir per month.

I liked having the monthly challenge last time, so I’m going to try it again, but with a different genre. Actually, I think this one may be easy, as this is a genre I already enjoy. In fact, I’ve got 4 or 5 sitting on my shelves already lined up that I’ve been wanting to read, but haven’t taken the time. Here we go! In fact, now that I think about it, Life with Father by Clarence Day probably counts, which I just finished. Woohoo!

Some others on my list of possibles: The Wright Brothers, by David McCullough, Leap of Faith by Queen Noor, and the Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt.
3.  My last goal this time around will be to review every book I read, like I did last year. Note: For picture books and easy readers, I generally only review the ones we REALLY liked. [Although, that will change somewhat now that I have a book blog. What that is going to look like exactly remains to be decided.]

So, that’s it. Just three. Seeing as how I only had two last year and came through with a 50% average, I’m feeling quite ambitious with my 3 goals! 

Do you have any reading goals? Do tell! 



  1. I've set a book goal too although I'm ambivalent about it. I also want to quilt and the two aren't compatible.however, after reading your weeding piece, I think I'll be reading my own library. It's at that point! There are entirely too many books that haven't been read in 20 years!

    1. Hi LeeAnn! It's been a long time! I'm glad you stopped by.
      Hmm...maybe audio books while you're quilting? :) I'm all about combining things when I can (as this blog illustrates!)
      Jason doesn't re-read books very much, so if we're keeping it, it's got to be one I will re-read, or the kids someday.
