May 1, 2017

End of April Garden Views

If you're new here, welcome!
I currently garden in Eastern Washington state, USA.

It has been awhile since I've done one of these.
They make a great record to look back on, though, so here we go!

We'll start out back in the flowerbed closest to the house:

View from the deck

View from the other end of the bed.

I love all the daffodil varieties back here!
Some are already done, but there are still quite a few blooming.

Geum 'Prairie Smoke' (also in the back bed)

In the shade bed, one of my favorites is blooming right now:

Brunnera 'Jack Frost'
I think our extra wet spring must be good for it--it's looking bigger and bushier than ever!

Coming around the side, I have a few cherry blossoms.

These just opened up recently.
By this time last year there was already fruit forming.
Last year was unusually warm, though.

Out front in the porch bed:

The big empty space will be filled up by the oakleaf hydrangea leaves, once they unfurl.
Right now it looks pretty bare, doesn't it!

My bleeding heart is blooming. Hooray!

The front terraced beds still have some spring blooms:


A few closeups:

We're still enjoying the 'Festival Pink' hyacinths, windflowers there on the left, and even a few early tulips have bloomed!

Primroses and powder blue muscari.
The pink primroses in the middle survived the winter from my daughter's garden plot.
We decided to transplant it up amongst its friends, so we could till the vegetable bed.

In the middle terrace, we've got peonies coming up strong and tulips that should bloom any day now!
I'm betting on the next sunny day--which, with our weather this spring, could be awhile.

 More tulips from the front beds.
The short and tall together made me smile.

Rounding the corner on these front beds we have a few more blooms:

Not sure why there is only 1 yellow--it was supposed to be a mix!

Grape holly, which has really thrived in this shady, narrow end of the bed.

Oh and I almost forgot!

The ornamental plum is beginning its yearly show!

Thanks for visiting my garden today!
See more gardens over at Helen's blog: The Patient Gardener.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I have taken over from Helen to host the End of Month View. It would be great if you can join.
