January 9, 2016

Garden Under Cover

You may want to peruse the "Garden Tour" page first, if you're new to my gardens, just to give you an idea of what it usually looks like.
This winter has been so snowy!
You might recall last year winter was hardly here before it was gone again. Not so this time around.
After weeks of rain, it turned into weeks of snow.
The kids are thrilled.
I am getting the beginning flushes of spring fever, but holding my own in this wintery wonderland.
These pictures are from December.
We got dumped on!
Out front, just the tops of the shrubs poking up, again.

Did you notice how you can't even see the bottom two terraces here at all?
Or any blocks? Or the laurel bushes down by the mailbox?
It is all one big snowdrift at the moment.

Across the driveway.
Moving to the back:
Vegetable garden terraces filled up.
In fact, I can't even make out the blueberry bushes on the top terrace.
apple tree and birdbath
Same area, 2 weeks later.
All you can see of the red dogwood is the tips poking out (behind the birdbath).
snow girl, back flowerbed
such a pretty sky [happy sigh]
I'm really wondering how my raspberries are doing under there (along the fence).
In the 2 weeks since these pictures were taken it has melted off a little bit.
The garden blocks are now visible, but we still have a long way to go until spring thaw.
Hey, more time to read, right?
What has your winter weather been like this year?

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