January 17, 2019

Reading Goals: Last Year's and This Year's

So, let's talk about those reading goals, shall we? I'm thinking I did not do very well on them, but here we go:

1. Read memoirs and biographies about inspiring women.

I did great on this the first quarter of the year. (I feel like my entire post is going to be a variation on this theme.)  Eleanor Roosevelt, Temple Grandin, and Hannah Moore? Check.

Since then? Um...not so much. That I can remember, anyway.

2. Read Newberry Award winners and Honor books from the past 5 years.

I did read and review a few. Meaning, 4. Yes, all in the first half of the year as well. I enjoyed the ones I read, for the most part and I do intend to continue seeking out these award winners to read each year. I think for next year, though, this goal is getting retired.

3. Read aloud to my kids on Sunday afternoons/evenings.

I am happy to say that I have rocked this one! Rather than just on Sundays, we carved out some time at bedtime for me to read to my 6 year old and my 9 year old and have been pretty consistent with it. Even if it's late, I try to squeeze in at least 5 minutes of reading with each of them.

In fact, my daughter (the one who's 9) and I read the entire Book of Mormon out loud from October to December. That was a lot of reading, let me tell you! It was a neat experience for us to share. Now we are back to reading fiction and it feels like something is missing. We may have to add a few scriptures at the beginning or end to get that substance!

Then, for my (almost) 11 year old son, he and his dad have actually started reading out loud together in the evenings, as well. I'm so happy about that!

So yay to reading out loud!

4. Read at least one book published in 2018.
I didn't do this one. I don't think. I may have to go back through my Kindle list and check. If I did do it, it was by accident! Ha!

5. Listen to Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan and at least 3 others on audio.

I never did get to Echo, but the kids and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to The Tale of Desperaux, by Kate DiCamillo, this summer in the car! We loved it! It was so well done, with all the various accents and of course the engaging storyline. So if you haven't tried it on audio yet, go for it!

6. Read 4 classics.   Nope. Didn't happen.

7. Read 1 book of poetry. Another nope.

8. Find a middle grade graphic novel series for my daughter to read.
I didn't really find one that I loved. She's been reading the Big Nate and Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, which I don't love particularly. Still could do some work on this one.

* * * * * *
So yes, percentage-wise, I did pretty dismally bad on my reading goals last year. However, I've always been of the type to give myself some grace if I don't reach my goals. I don't feel one bit guilty about this. Unsurprisingly, I did the best on these goals when we were living in the basement apartment, waiting for our house to get fixed from the fire.  Then in April/May, I started a business, we moved back into our home, and things have just gone on from there. So you know. Other priorities.

I do wish I would have done better at reviewing the books I've read. I have the worst memory! Seriously. I fell way off the wagon with book reviews the second half of the year. I'm not completely sure what I even read.

So for 2019, I'm going back to the basics!

My ONE reading goal this year is going to be to review every book I read!
If by some miracle I can remember enough to catch up on reviews from last year, I'm going to try to do that too.
Technically, I suppose that's a writing goal. So be it. It stands!

Now can we talk about the gardening goals? I did much better on those!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your writing. I want to try listening to the tale of desperaux with my kids. We read another of Pam Munoz Ryan's books, Esperanza Riding, it was so good. I will look into what you suggested.
