June 11, 2019

Linnae's Home for Unwanted Plants

Do you want to know how to really make my day?
Tell me you're clearing out your flowerbeds and have a bunch of plants free for the taking!

This bleeding heart bush was a rescue.

Or even just bring me some of your extras!
I had a friend do just that last week and it was awesome!

She brought over several clumps of daisies (I love daises!), one big clump of tulips just dripping with bulbs, and another one of daffodils, plus some irises.

So I have been busy planting this week. 
I have almost got them all in the ground, finally.
I just put in the tulips, daffodils, and the last of the daisies today.
I still have to find a place for the irises.

I really just love it when that happens!
There was a lady last summer who posted something on Facebook that was similar to that--just come dig out whatever you want. You had better believe I jumped right on that!
I was the only one there when I went and I made a haul!
Several buckets of alliums, a couple of hostas, raspberry starts galore, irises, what else...I don't even remember everything. I am very well aware of what all those would have cost to purchase at the nursery. I brought home a couple hundred dollars worth of plants from that one morning.
It's like Christmas--but in the summer...and involving lots of digging!

Anyway, I love it.

I am even thinking about adding a service to my business along those lines.
Sort of as a consultant, I guess.
So if you need someone to come over and tell you what certain plants are, or what may be worth saving in an overgrown flowerbed, call me up! 
I might charge a fee, or I may just ask to take home any extras. :) 

Plant Rescues R Us!

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