June 2, 2017

Front Yard: Then & Now

As we are packing up and moving over the next week, I will leave you with a series of posts that were a walk down memory lane for me.

In the past 7 years that we've lived here, our landscaping has come a long way!
Time to take a look back at what it was like when we bought the house, and what we're leaving behind.
I hope you enjoy seeing these transformations.
I had a lot of fun putting them together.

When I come back it will be time for a whole new gardening adventure to begin!
Until then, friends!

* * * * *

Let's start out front, shall we?

Front slope/yard:


This about sums it up.
Junipers everywhere!
I always thought of this the birthday cake style of landscaping: one layer of junipers, one layer of cottoneasters, and a pine tree for a candle on top.


To be fair, the terraces also lend themselves to a comparison with birthday cakes.
If I had to choose a cake, though, this one would be my first pick!

Front Porch Flowerbed:


(Above and below) A few sickly bushes, plus one very overgrown evergreen.


Spirea, oakleaf hydrangea, euonymous, and bleeding heart, with a few smaller plants in between.
I think there's more work to do in this bed, but overall I'm happy with it.

I wrote about the front porch transformation.

This is fun! Next up: Going up either side to the back!

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a transformation! Good luck with your move!
